So far we have shared: 10 Tips to Introduce Your Child to Church5 Expectation Tips to Set Before Attending Church5 Tips to Keep Your Child Quiet During Church I pray that these tips to prepare your child for church have been very helpful as you return to church after Covid. And while this is just a drop in the bucket of tips, no quiet ...
5 Tips to Keep Your Child Quiet During Church
Multiple times a year on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook group parents beg for ideas to keep children quiet during church. Especially with Covid restrictions, many churches don’t offer viable options for younger children during “big church.” What's a parent to do? Continuing the series of ideas on how to attend church with young children, ...
5 Expectation Tips to Set Before Attending Church
I thank God that we attend a church that allowed my husband and I a chance to refresh and renew without our young children crawling all over us. Because of children's church, I came out of the worship service “filled up” and ready to hit the week ahead with our young children. But when we visited my parents’ church, we didn’t have ...
10 Tips to Introduce Your Child to Church
For many months Covid kept most of us from attending church. While many have returned, fear of how children will behave is keeping some from reattending. For the next few weeks on this blog we are going to discover how to introduce your child to church and how to enjoy corporate worship even with little kids in tow. Several years ago I reviewed ...
Summer Tips: Teaching Children to Serve
If I were to take a poll, I would guess that learning to be a servant is not high on most peoples' priority lists! But Jesus said in Matthew 20:26 that if we truly want to be great, we must learn to be a servant of all. Summer provides a great time to teach children to serve. See last week's summer tip on teaching a child to ...
Summer Tips: Teaching a Child to Love
As I shared last week, summer is a time that we focus on character training. I specifically look at issues of the heart based on I Corinthians 13:1-8 that we use to define how we are to love others. Love is Kind “You can always be honest with me!”“That was mean. Don’t ever say that again.” While we want our children to be honest with ...
Summer Tips: Schedule and Learning
Providing a slower schedule, I love the teachable moments summer provides in my parenting journey. It is a time to tighten up things I have let slide during the busyness of the school year and focus on areas that need specific attention. Looking back through the archives, I have pulled together some ideas to share! SUMMER ...
New: Handwriting Curriculum
When thinking of ABCJesusLovesMe, most people picture the all-inclusive Preschool Curriculum to prepare toddlers and preschoolers for kindergarten. But did you know that ABCJesusLovesMe also contains multiple individual curricula to teach the Bible, focus on holidays, and hone developmental skills? One of these skills is handwriting. And I am ...
Delight with Watercolor and Penmanship
While I acknowledge that the pandemic has been brutal for many families, I praise God for little blessings that social distancing has provided for our family. One blessing was the time it allowed my children to dive into a hobby. Little Man constructed amazing, crocheted creations. Bubs delved into woodworking. Peanut completed complex puzzles. ...
The What and How of Parenting One-Liners [Free Printable]
If asked what the most beneficial tool in my parenting toolbox is, I would say - without any hesitation, "One-Liners." These pre-scripted, parenting quotes have been instrumental in training my children. And parents and teachers continue to echo my sentiments as they have also seen these short phrases transform their homes and ...