I'm sharing an additional blog post this week because today is ABCJesusLovesMe's 11th Birthday! And to celebrate, I have a free gift for you which I believe you will really like! As a thank you for your support and prayers for the ABCJLM ministry (including this blog), today only Part 1 of the Biblical Parenting and Teaching series is FREE! 37 ...
How to “Grow” a Child
I am in "spring" mode. Over half of my garden is planted. The flower pots around the house overflow with little flowers. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the juicy produce and gorgeous display of color. Raising Seeds A friend posted this verse (pictures above) on Facebook. It immediately caused me to think about the work ...
Join Our “Keys of the Bible” Study
For a while I have desired to read through the key chapters of the Bible in chronological order. After finishing my current study, I went in search of a reading guide. Unfortunately, my search came up blank. For a while I have felt a stirring in my heart to help women be intentional in their spiritual growth. I have prayed about various ...
How to Raise Children in a Gender-Neutral World
A few weeks ago an honest question about gender was posted in the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook group. The longer I thought about the question and the responses, the more my heart hurt. The enemy has twisted something that used to be so simple into something that causes doubt, fear, and confusion. As you wrestle with the issue of gender, here ...
Chore and Budget System for Kids and Teens
In 2014, I shared a Money Management and Behavior System for Preschoolers. It worked beautifully in our home to teach our young children responsibility, encourage good behavior, and set a foundation for wise money management. Now five years later, our children are in school and entering the teenage years. I realize that we need to ...
Ideas to Make Easter Meaningful
Easter is a pretty big deal at ABCJesusLovesMe and on this blog. And for good reason! It’s the holiday that we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. But Easter can be a tough holiday to explain to children. Between the Easter bunny, loads of candy, Easter baskets, and Easter egg hunts, ...
Are You on the Best Parenting Path?
Her tears reflected her broken heart and unconditional love for her children. She deeply desired to raise godly children, but felt caught in a tug of war with all of the parenting information filling the airwaves. Seeing the current attitude and behavior of her children, she knew something needed to change. After a firm hug and a napkin to dry ...
When You Begin a Therapy Journey
Bubs' therapist asked me to write a post for parents embarking on a physical, occupational, or speech therapy journey with their children. With so many therapy questions lately on the ABCJLM Facebook group, I thought I would share here as well to help you or a friend of yours. I remember the emotions like it was yesterday. Fear. Feeling ...
What Sins are You Teaching Your Child?
A few years ago I journeyed through Beth Moore's James: Mercy Triumphs study. So full and convicting as it shined light on areas of sin in my life which I had tried to ignore or hide. While focusing on the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself," Beth pulled in Matthew 5:19 which states, "Anyone who breaks one of the ...
Because They Are Only Little Once
The above image is filled with so much "good." A little girl learning with bubbles. Priceless. She is learning about gravity. She is learning about size. She is learning about breath control. She is learning about cause and effect. She is strengthening her fine motor skills as she holds the bubbles and ...