Talk to any elementary school teacher and they will agree that the best thing you can do with your child to prepare them for school is read to them. And then, read some more. But what does reading to your child look like? Birth to 3 Years of Age During these formative years it is important to introduce the child to a plethora of quality ...
Managing the Home is Overwhelming Me! What Do I Do?
I received this sweet note from a mommy of young kiddos. How do you find the time between laundry, dishes, cooking, and surviving to accomplish everything? I feel overwhelmed at the idea of being organized enough to accomplish it all. Any suggestions on how you make it work? As moms we all get overwhelmed with all the ...
Is First-Time Obedience Important?
It was hot. She was tired from playing hard on the swing set and I understood why she wanted a drink. But her mom was calling her name and instead of stopping, Sarah kept walking toward the refreshing water. Call #1 - "Sarah." Call #2 - "Sarah."Sarah was on a mission and nothing was going to come between her and the ...
From Need to Ministry {giveaway}
Eleven years ago our family had a need. To my great surprise, God took this need and turned it into a world-wide ministry. But I realize that many of you don't know the background of this "need" or the many levels of support our ministry provides. Today I share in hopes that you will utilize all that we offer and join us in praying for the ...
Stop the Lying!
A reader asked... Any good ideas for dealing with lying? That's a tough one. Lying is a common issue with most preschoolers. Some even believe it is an important part of their development. Here are several reasons why preschoolers lie according to this source at BabyCenter: • Forgetfulness. • Wishful thinking. • An active ...
When God is Teaching You To Trust Him
Life is throwing me some mean curve balls. Despite my attempt to control all that happens around me with hard work, research, and wise counsel, everything I touch is crumbling like sand between my fingers. It is humbling, confusing, and defeating. I am at a loss and don't know what to do. Twice a month I have the opportunity to teach ...
The Parenting Lie: Are You Believing It? {Giveaway}
I went to bed with a heavy heart. Sleep didn't ease the burden. My heart hurts because society has fed us a big lie which we are biting, chewing, and swallowing. Friends…if your child over the age of 2 is hitting, yelling, disrespectful, demanding, and disobedient it is NOT okay. This is NOT age-appropriate. You deserve better. Your ...
The Perfect Amount of Time to Spend with Your Child Each Day
How much quality time should I spend with my kids each day? I remember asking this question to a more experienced mom. Being a high school math teacher, she immediately gave me a mathematical formula. She explained, "Take the child's age and divide it by the number of children that you have. Add to that the ...
Help! My Child is a Perfectionist
Isn't it interesting that for every parent who has a slow or sluggish child, there is another with a child who is a perfectionist. While one would think a perfectionist would be breeze to raise, there are great challenges in directing children who put extreme pressure and high demands on themselves. Since balance is the goal of parenting, here ...
Answering Tough Questions from Your Kids
In our house it starts with, "Mommy, can I please talk to you about something 'portant." What follows is a deep, intellectual question that causes me to check the child's birth certificate to insure the child's actual age. And if you think these tough questions begin at puberty, you have a big surprise coming. Starting at the age of three, our ...