If you and I were to have a conversation of any length, I can promise that it would not take long for me to begin talking about my grandparents . What I considered so normal I now realize was very unique. And I want that special bond for my children. Author Laura Sassi understands the opportunity that grandparents hold with ...
Confession: Sometimes I Get Angry at My Children
It's almost a closet secret that no one wants to admit. But in reality, parenting can cause eruptions of emotions we don't even realize we possess. Raca, You Fool For my quiet time I am doing a study by Kay Arthur called Only You can Change Me which digs deep into the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. Straight out of the chute, Jesus ...
Let Your Children Be Disappointed
When I was young I remember a few kiddos crying after getting out in kickball or missing a question on a test. They were upset with themselves. But over the last few months, I see a trend of crying that concerns me much more than a child who fails to meet his or her own expectations. Let me explain. Twice a month I have the ...
When You Can’t Love Your Spouse
After reading last week's blog post (3 Points to Thrive in Motherhood), several of you took a moment to share with me what you wish you had known and how you have grown through the mistakes you made. But it was in reading an email from Annalisa that I knew God was asking me to follow up the post will a little more encouragement. Point #2 ...
3 Points to Thrive in Motherhood
Does all of the New Year resolution talk depress you? As mommas we often believe there isn't time or energy for resolutions because survival is the only goal we have. I get it. I spent several years in survival mode. I'd watch the clock counting down to nap time and praying that no substantial catastrophe would occur before then. I lived ...
How to Handle Advice
Happy New Year! 2019 is officially the date on the calendar and we have been given the gift of a new year. Have you made choices to make this year better? A couple of months ago on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group I shared 10 Things Productive Moms Do Before 10 AM. While it was not a guide specifically for Christian moms, I ...
What’s Your Word for 2019?
I love the idea of choosing a word for the year. Instead of resolutions that fail 2 weeks later, a word centers your focus providing a path to growth. In past years I have chosen characteristics like love, delight, refocus, and joy. I would focus on verses and Bible studies centering around the word to build my understanding and develop the ...
Needing Some Hope at Christmas?
Hope. I've shared many times before that after my sister died I clung to Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I needed the assurance that God hadn't forgotten me. He hadn't tossed my heart to the side. He was ...
Need Some Sanding?
Nothing has transformed my heart more than journaling during my daily quiet time. Writing prayers, DRAWing Deep into the Scriptures, and taking notes of what I am learning is thankfully beginning to sand off some of my many rough edges. While I journal in my Quiet Time Journal, I realize that for some of you wrestling a ...
Making Your Own Christmas Traditions
Tradition. Tradition. Tradition! I can almost hear Tevye's strong voice singing the opening number to Fiddler on the Roof as he walks down the dirt road. My family had strong traditions growing up. Watermelon on July 4th. Carving jack-o-lanterns at Halloween. Pecan pie at Thanksgiving. Baking sugar cookies at ...