Five years ago we were in the middle of a valley. Bubs (8) was failing the 2nd Grade, Little Man (4) was in a defiant rut, and ABCJLM was demanding focused attention. I felt alone, exhausted, and helpless. See if you can relate to this post I shared in 2013. I just finished writing a long note to Bubs' speech therapist. We are between a ...
Failed Schedule to a Successful Routine
Some people come out of the womb creating schedules and organizing their socks in rainbow-color order. Others find schedules stifling and struggle to find a pair of clean sock. Experts declare that children need structure, but how do you provide structure without adding stress? In a recent ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook post, Jessica shared ...
Happy 10th Birthday to ABCJesusLovesMe
I sit in humble amazement. This week is's 10th birthday. What started out as a desperate need for our son has evolved into a website used around the world to help adults be intentional with the children in their lives. Humble Beginnings Let me start at the beginning. After teaching in the public schools, I knew God was ...
Praying Scriptures When Your Children Have Tests
This popular post has been updated. I invite you to read and listen to the corresponding podcast episode as well!Tests are an understood part of our children's lives. Whether it is a spelling test in the 1st Grade, the ACT/SAT in high school, or the GRE to get into graduate school, our children are frequently taking exams to test their ...
What Is Filling Your Brain?
Garbage in, garbage out. This statement is often used when talking to teenagers about the importance of guarding their hearts and minds in regards to the media that they view and listen to. But the older I get, the more I realize the truth in this statement in my own life. What I put in my mind comes out in my words, emotions, and ...
New Be Intentional Planner is Available!
Update: The newest planner information is available here - ...
Ideas to Make Easter Meaningful
Making Easter Meaningful for Children ...
Updated Ideas to Use the Bible Workbook
UPDATE: The Bible Activity Workbook has been updated to coincide with the Old and New Testament Curricula!!! In July 2012 Bible coloring sheets were added to enhance the ABCJLM Comprehensive Curricula. Combined into a spiral-bound book, the Bible Coloring Workbook provided coloring opportunities and gave visual to the Bible stories. But I desired ...
Winner: I Can Only Imagine Movie Tickets
Thank you to all who entered to win I Can Only Imagine movie tickets shared in last week's post. Out of 223 entries, the randomly chosen winner is: Entry #153 - Alexis J (email ajones08...@) Alexis, please contact me within 48 hours using the winning email address. Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to FlyBy Promotions for ...
When Your Child Refuses to Sit and Learn
For the past few weeks, I have seen several questions concerning children who don't want to sit for learning time. I often hear two sides to this issue. Those who believe that toddlers and preschoolers can't sit. Forcing a young child to sit is actually harmful. And, those who believe children must sit for long periods of learning because ...