In 2014, four simple words forced minds around the world to shift from the here-and-now to the future. Two million digital downloads later, "I Can Only Imagine" continues to encourage, bless, and push believers around the world to be intentional every day that we have left on earth because...this is not the end. Surrounded by You glory What will ...
When Being Intentional Adds Stress
A few weeks ago a momma in the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook group shared a raw post of frustration and exhaustion. She spent all day "Being Intentional" only to be left with a sink full of dirty dishes and a supper table requiring a meal. We've all been there. It is a daily challenge to be intentional with those God has placed in our lives and ...
Is Keeping Your Children Busy the Answer?
A few weeks ago I asked the following question as a poll on Facebook. True or False: It is best to keep toddlers and preschoolers busy so they stay out of trouble. While it wasn't my ambition to create a tricky question, it was my hope that the question would cause each reader to stop and think. And, I hope that it will start a constructive ...
When Your Child’s Behavior is an Embarrassment
I just received a call from my child's school. It was not a he's-doing-such-a-great-job call, but instead a he-made-a-very-poor-choice phone call. Everything inside of me wants to listen to the lies of the enemy. - You are a horrible mom. - You don't pay enough attention to him. - And you speak at conferences on the topic of parenting? - ...
Trying to Be Your Spouses Holy Spirit?
Looking at the picture above, I can't help but think back to the thoughts I had on our wedding day almost 20 years ago. I chuckle as I remember what I envisioned marriage would be. Let's just say that my thoughts were more than slightly off the spectrum of reality. While each year has gotten sweeter, marriage is hard work! Bringing two ...
4 Tips to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
Several marriages around me are falling apart. The appearance of good, solid, Christian marriages are crumbling. And, I am heartbroken for these families. Especially the kiddos who are innocently affected. The enemy is attacking Christian families at the core. Because no one is immune, my husband and I have been discussing with our Bible ...
The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time
Glean ideas in this five-part series. 1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time4. Does Where Really Matter?5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time Some of you have experienced the devastation that a confusing or weak ...
Does Where You Have a Quiet Time Really Matter?
Glean ideas in this five-part series. 1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time4. Does Where Really Matter?5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time You are ready to have some quiet time with God. You grab your Bible, prayer ...
Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?
Glean ideas in this five-part series. 1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time4. Does Where Really Matter?5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time For the last three weeks I have asked you to chose the "one thing ...
Creating a Quiet Time Prayer Journal that Works
Glean ideas in this five-part series. 1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time4. Does Where Really Matter?5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time If you Google "prayer journal" you will find many links to purchase a ...