Glean ideas in this five-part series. 1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time4. Does Where Really Matter?5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time Everyday I answer a multitude of questions on Facebook and through email. In ...
How Will You Change in 2018?
Each January we determine that this year will be different. More love. Less anger. More grace. Less snappy answers. Yet why is it just 24 hours into the New Years we've broken several of our resolutions? Priscilla Shirer, in her Armor of God study, shares the secret. One of the most cunning tricks of the enemy is to get us to sink our ...
Is Santa Good or Bad?
Little boys preferring the color pink. A child playing with water guns. A little girl believing in Santa Claus. These are all topics that 20 years ago didn't even get a response from a parent.All topics that today have the potential to stress a parent out. Because of the current culture, we jump into panic wondering if we need to ...
Create a Simple Hand and Footprint Calendar for the Perfect Gift
Anyone else have trouble coming up with Christmas ideas for the adults in your life? Whether it is your spouse, parents, or siblings, I struggle to find meaningful gifts for those I love. Several years ago I discovered the ideas of a calendar personalized with hand and footprints. What isn't more adorable than the little prints of those you ...
Ideas to Parent with Intention
Helping adults be intentional with the children in their lives. The motto of the ABC Jesus Loves Me website. The Be Intentional 2018 Planner. A new wire-bound, 12-month calendar notebook to help adults be intentional each day. Hang around for a while and you will realize Be Intentional is more than a buzz phrase. As the mother of a ...
A Collection of Christ-Centered Christmas Ideas for Families
Google "Christmas ideas for kids" and you will be provided with 65,500,000 links - literally. Just the thought of searching through a few of these makes me feel overwhelmed. So, I have made it easy for you. I have shared links to our favorite ideas and then you can decide which ones you want to explore further. ☆ Activities ☆ Happy Birthday ...
Impacting 2017: Are You Healthy?
Are You Healthy? For the past four weeks we have looked at healing the mind, body, and soul so that we can fully love God and others. It is easy to see unhealthy people around you. They do unhealthy things like live in fear, isolate themselves, let bitterness or depression control their life, or they stop taking care of their bodies. But it ...
Impacting 2017: Do You Have a Healthy Soul? {Giveaway}
Are you healthy? I thought I knew what it meant to be healthy but I am learning that it is much more than exercise and eating vegetables. Being healthy means that there is harmony between my mind, body, and will and God's intent for me. For the last two weeks, I've shared ideas that I have been doing to become mentally and physically ...
Impacting 2017: Is Your Body Healthy?
A few years ago I shared on this blog a disagreement with my husband concerning exercise. He thinks exercise would be helpful to me. Not because he wants me to wear a certain size of jeans but because he believes it would benefit the emotional me. For me, exercise would be one more thing on my daily list that would cut into other things that have ...
Impacting 2017: Is Your Mind Healthy?
Last week we revisited my goals shared in January's posts. But God is showing me that no matter how intentional I desire to be, I can't fully pour into others unless I am healthy. Being Healthy I used to think health represented the number on the scales, how far I could run, or the number of apples that I ate in a week. ...