Embarrassing as this is, the only thing that I knew about St. Patrick's Day growing up was the importance of wearing green to ward of getting pinched and that my dad would soon be planting potatoes in the garden. But in creating the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum, I realized how much I missed. With St. Patrick's Day just a week ...
Impressing on Children
Are You An Overprotective Parent?
How protective are you when it comes to your kids taking risks like running, jumping, climbing, and balancing on things? Love this post in the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group! And from the comments I can tell that this is a popular question because we all desire to keep our children safe, but we realize that play is an important part of ...
How to Maximize Learning while Reading a Book
Talk to any elementary school teacher and they will agree that the best thing you can do with your toddler and preschooler to prepare them for school is read to them. And then, read some more. But what does reading to your child look like? And, how do you pull the most learning from the reading time? BIRTH TO 3 YEARS OF ...
Simple Gingerbread House Activities for All Ages
Making a Gingerbread House is a fun activity to do during the holidays. It is a great way to strengthen fine motor skills and review shapes, sorting, and spatial relationships...and use up Halloween candy. But if you have ever attempted this activity, it can be daunting to get the house to stand for the entire process. Here are a few simple ...
Have You Heard the Exciting News?
Drumroll please...the 3 Year Curriculum has been completely remodeled!!! Here are the details that you are going to love! Why the Remodel? 12 years ago I was the mom of two preschoolers. After open heart surgery, Bubs was in therapy three times a week for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Language Processing Disorder, and Executive ...
GIVEAWAY: Which Children’s Bible is Best for Your Child or Classroom?
Have you ever searched for children’s Bibles on Amazon? Can you say, "Bible overload!" Paraphrase and picture Bibles. Story Bibles and theme Bibles. It is a wonderful "problem," but which Bible is right for your child or classroom? The answer depends on the age of your child and your goal when reading the Bible. Children Bible ...
Book List for the Elementary and Pre-Teen Girls in Your Life
When my four children were young we were inundated with quality books. We enjoyed such titles as Llama, Llama Red Pajama and Waiting is Not Easy which taught character education in a fun way. See a List of 200+ Quality Picture Books But now that they are beyond picture books, it has been a challenge to find books that match our biblical ...
Instilling Faith In Your Children
In my Biblical Discipline conferences, I humbly share that prior to having my own children I believed parenting would be easy. It wasn't long into my journey that I discovered raising godly children is anything but easy. And I know that I am not alone. Many of you are overwhelmed. You had great ambition, but somewhere between the piles of ...
Just in Case You Ever Wonder…
There are children books that just hearing their titles make me smile. Barnyard Dance! There are children books that I loathe and hope to never read again. Then there are Max Lucado books. All the feels. Unlike most authors, Mr. Lucado has the talent to write best-selling books for adults and children. For adults, he writes study ...
What Rules Should I Have in My Home?
I believe if I had a heart-to-heart conversation with everyone in the ABCJesusLovesMe family and those who faithfully read this blog, 100% of you would say that you desire to raise children who obey. Sadly with the mixed messages from society and social media, the process to obtain this goal can be very confusing. I love that ABCJLM and this ...