There is a person reading this post who is doing everything in his or her power to get it right, yet is going nowhere. She is striving to be a godly mom, wife, and friend yet secretly knows it isn’t working. Each night as she lays her head on the pillow she wonders if she has done enough. He is following all the “rules” and "working his head ...
Daily Time with God
Should Self-Help Books Be Used in Your Quiet Time?
Browse the "Religion" section of a bookstore, in person or online, and you're sure to get quickly overwhelmed! At first glance many books seem like they could be helpful in your quiet time. But on closer inspection, you'll find the majority are little more than self-help books. Are self-help books a good guide for your quiet time? How do you ...
How to Have a Quiet Time
What if I told you that you could completely change your life by adding just one thing to your day?What if I told you that the one thing would only take 1% of your total day? Would you do it? You’d be crazy not to! 1% of Your Day If you have been part of this blog family for a while, you won't be surprised that the one ...
What is Love?: Ideas to Teach Children
Love. During the month of February, you can find the word on mugs, t-shirts, candy, and even written on your coffee by the local barista. We tell our spouses we love them. We command our children to love others with their words and actions. God tells us He is love. But what is love? Strictly an emotion? A passing feeling? A specific ...
How to Pray Scripture {Free Printables}
God is a personal and relational God. He desires for every believer to talk with Him, particularly through the act of prayer. We know this and it sounds so simple. Yet, why is prayer so difficult sometimes? Maybe you don't feel adequate to pray because it's never been modeled for you, or you've never been taught how to pray. Then there ...
What Lies Are You Believing? {Free Printable}
I’m not good enough.No one likes me.Everyone else has a clean house.Their kids are smarter and cuter. And the list of lies goes on. Lies that we aren’t enough and everyone is better. We firmly believe that in order for us to be able to live out our God-given, Parenting-to-Impress mission to the fullest, we need to be ...
A Fresh Start in 2021: How to Change
Enjoy a Fresh Start in 2021 with this four-part series. 1. Taking Care of Me2. Sabbath and Rest3. How to Change4. Your Marriage What is going to be different about 2021? After watching current events you may feel like we are jumping into the same dumpster fire of 2020. While I can't control what other people do, 2021 can ...
Has Your Church Left the Faith?
Oh, how my understanding of the rapture and Tribulation period is deepening during my study of Daniel by Dr. David Jeremiah. I learned in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are three things that must happen before the Tribulation can occur. But, it is the first one that has pricked my heart. “Falling away comes first.” (v.3) Dr. David Jeremiah ...
The Most Depressing Verses in the Bible
There are some really depressing verses in the Bible. If you read through the "Key Chapters of the Bible" Chronological Reading Plan, you hit a few! But I may have found the most depressing set of verses there is. Prepare to feel hopeless. So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, ...
In All the Craziness, Do You Need this Reminder, Too?
I woke this morning anxious. The unknown and the known has me grasping for something stable. You too? While journaling during my prayer time, I struggled to formulate complete sentences as I didn't know what to pray or where to begin. In desperation I started writing down single words as they came to ...